Helping Your Community Through Crisis

food delivery

In a time of crisis, those of us who can help our community, should. There is certainly ample opportunity during our current situation. IPS was proud to donate meals to local hospitals in partnership with Red Letter Hospitality, a local management company. Since their restaurants are currently only open for takeout, they started a program…

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Social Distance Yourself From Online Coronavirus Scams

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Rapidly changing information about the coronavirus is making all of us anxious to consume as much news as possible. Things can be a bit scary, and it’s worse when you feel like you don’t know what’s going on. However, we must stay vigilant – there are criminals out there who want to capitalize on this…

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Process Documentation: Why and How?

Reviewing reports

What’s the point of process documentation? Would you bake a cake without a recipe? Build a house without a blueprint? Obviously, most of us wouldn’t. Especially if we have standards for our output. Especially if we want each of our cakes to taste the same. We can think about our business processes in a similar…

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Privacy in the Digital Age: The Necessary Actions

privacy protection concept

In Part One, Privacy in the Digital Age: The Issues, we discussed several cases involving the amount of data that is available and the lack of privacy laws. Today we’ll look further into what we need to do as consumers, governments and companies to address these problems. We need to be proactive instead of reactive…

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Privacy in the Digital Age: The Issues

privacy protection concept

In the digital age, we are always on our phones, tablets and computers. There are cameras everywhere. In fact, even our refrigerators are smart. So, what’s the correct balance between personal data privacy and access to evidence by law enforcement? How do we manage security vs. privacy? What rights do companies have to use and…

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5 Inclusive Team Communication Methods

team meeting

You can’t get through life without being on a team at some point whether it is a sports team or school project or at work. Since we’ve all been a part of a team, we know how hard it can be. Teams make projects more effective, but only if the team functions properly. Everyone must know what…

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Six Ways to Keep a Project on Schedule

managing projects graphic

These days when you leave your office, you probably take your work with you. Even at home, we continue to check work email, catch up on industry news, or join the latest conversation in the work group chat. With overwhelming schedules, it’s hard to accomplish everything on your to-do list in a single work day…

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