Over a Decade Later: A Tradition of Giving

At the heart of most traditions are three things: people coming together, a celebration of what matters, and a sense of enjoyment. As a company,…


hands holding a heart

Over a Decade Later: A Tradition of Giving

At the heart of most traditions are three things: people coming together, a celebration of what matters, and a sense…

hands holding a heart

5 Donation Drives That Are Easy & Engaging

A hard thing to confront when you first start a community outreach program is your inability to help everyone. There…

All hands in together

Our community in 2018

IP Services is a people-first company. We care about our employees and our clients, and we want the best for…

IPS new website

IPS New Website Launch Announcement

We are pleased to announce the launch of the newly redesigned ipservicesinc.com. We’ve developed a new website with a responsive…