Money Laundering 101: Understanding the Basics

money laundering concept

Money laundering is an intricate process used to conceal the origin of illegally obtained funds. Through this system, criminals disguise the profits of illicit activities so they appear to be from a legal source. Simply stated, it is the act of integrating “dirty money” into the legitimate financial market so that is becomes a usable…

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The Hidden Costs of Chargebacks

stack of credit cards

As a society filled with online shoppers, we have grown accustomed to having all our wants and needs available at the click of a button. Over recent years, ecommerce sales have been growing steadily, increasing from 4.2% of overall sales in 2010 to over 10.2% in 2019. However, with this increase in ecommerce sales comes an…

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Tech Support Scams Demystified

tech fraud scam

More than 3.8 billion people worldwide have internet access today, and as many as 3 out of 5 consumers globally have been targeted by tech support scammers. Who among us hasn’t either seen the pop-up warning us that our computer is INFECTED WITH A VIRUS or heard about it from a friend or coworker? Some…

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