Brand Protection: A Walk-through

Counterfeit watches

You find a high-end watch for sale online and the price is relatively cheap. You must have stumbled upon a super good deal! But did you, really? Most of the time these listings are too good to be true and are more than likely selling knock-offs. Counterfeits cause a slew of problems for both the…

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No Genies Necessary: 3 Wishes a Successful Fraud Team Grants

Genie Lamp

My four-year-old daughter is into Shimmer and Shine, a delightful children’s television program about genie sisters named Shimmer and Shine. These genie sisters grant three wishes per day. And occasionally, the sisters need to use their wishes to thwart their archenemy, a sneaky sorceress named Zeta. By the end of the episode, Zeta is put…

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